The Band of the Surrey Yeomanry
Next concert: Sat 21st Sep

The Band of the Surrey Yeomanry

Concerts this year:

Sat 27th Apr7.30 pm - 10.00 pmOld Coulsdon Congregational Church (CR5 1EH)
Wed 26th Jun8.00 pm - 10.00 pmEastbourne ("1812" Fireworks) (BN21 3AD)
Sun 18th Aug3.00 pm - 5.00 pmGodalming Bandstand (GU7 1EP)
Wed 28th Aug8.00 pm - 10.00 pmEastbourne ("1812" Fireworks) (BN21 3AD)
Sat 21st Sep2.00 pm - 5.00 pmOpen rehearsal, St. John's Church, Redhill (RH1 6QA)
Sat 2nd Nov...Remembrance concert at Forest Row Village Hall (RH18 5ES)

The Band of the Surrey Yeomanry is a concert band affiliated to the Regimental Association of the Surrey Yeomanry.
It was once a Territorial Army band, about 60 years ago, but now it is a community concert band open to anyone who wishes to play in it.

Rehearsals are on Monday nights at 8pm at St. John the Evangelist, Church Road, Redhill, RH1 6QA (Google maps)

Director of Music: Michael Withers
Chair: David Skinner
Secretary: Richard Bland

For more information about the Band, to join it or to hire it, please email

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