The Band of the Surrey Yeomanry
Next concert: Sun 18th Aug

Information about the Band ...

What is the Band of the Surrey Yeomanry?

The Band is a 30 to 40 piece concert band (also known as a wind band, or military band). It normally contains clarinets, flutes, oboe, saxophones, trumpets, trombones, horns, euphonium, bass, drums and percussion, but can contain almost any wind or brass instrument.

What does the Band play?

The range of a concert band is very broad and can include music from all periods from the classical to the modern popular. Typically, programs would include selections from shows (anything from Rodgers & Hart to Andrew Lloyd Webber), dance band music (Glenn Miller to Jerry Herman), waltzes (a bit of Strauss, perhaps) and modern pieces written specifically for concert bands.

How does the Band Operate ?

The band meets weekly for rehearsals, which take place at 8pm on Mondays at St. John the Evangelist in Redhill. The Band also performs a number of paid engagements throughout the year. These are most commonly in the summer, on Saturday or Sunday afternoons. The income from these engagements is used to offset the running costs of the Band. In addition to this there is a annual subscription by members which provides the rest of the income necessary. The Band is run on a day to day basis by a committee of around 10 persons. The committee is elected by band members at an Annual General Meeting.

Click here for Covid-Secure rehearsal arrangements.

To join the Band ...

If you are interested in joining the Band, please contact the Chairman or the Secretary.

What do you need?

  • Your own instrument and music stand.
  • Monday nights free to attend rehearsals.
  • A reasonable commitment to attend engagements. It may not be possible to attend all engagements, but since engagements are the means by which the Band is financed, we hope that members will do their best.

Does the Band wear a uniform?

When out on engagements the Band wears dark red jackets (provided), and members will need to provide their own white shirts and black trousers (or black skirts).

Where did the Band come from, and how long has it been going?

The Band was formed in 1964 as the official band of the Surrey Yeomanry (Queen Mary’s Regiment). Successive defence cuts and re-organisation of the military led to the disbandment of the Surrey Yeomanry regiment and its band, but by the unanimous wish of its members the band kept together - at first in an unofficial capacity and then under the auspices of the Regimental Association. The Band continues to be affiliated to the Regimental Association, although they play no part in managing or running the Band. A few of the original members are still playing in the Band; the rest of the members have joined since and have no connection with the Regiment or the Army. The Band is now managed as a regular concert band, but the name remains as a reminder of the Band’s origins many years ago.

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